

In my intro to Mechatronics class (ME 210), we were assigned with designing a robot that follows a line, picks up 5 rubber balls, and places them in the desired target. We were given 3 weeks to build it, and it was a great experience overall in teaching me about how to implement a successful mechatronic system. I learned how to setup the circuitry for various types of brushless DC motors & stepper motors, as well as design and manufacture parts that interface with electrical components. Overall, it was a very challenging but rewarding project.


This an assembled view of what all the laser cut and 3-D printed parts look like when assembled (not including the scooper). We wanted to simplify the design in order to troubleshoot our electronics and code.

Roller Wheel

In order to balance out the two back wheels, we added a “roller wheel” in the front. We created a prototype support out of foam core, where we basically stuck nails through the holes on the chassis and all the way through the foam core. This attachment ended up working just fine, so we decided to keep it and focus on the more important functions of our robot.

Line Sensor Testing

This was our temporary set up to test the IR sensors, but our inconsistent values taught us that we needed to laser cut a stable back stop to hot glue them to.

Final Video: “Swervo” Robot