Personal Logo Project


ME 102 Project

Our assignment was to create a 3-D design with our initials in it, and I decided to create a novel box to place my chains in!

The Design Process


Sketch it.

The challenge was to create a digital and physical design of an object that incorporated my initials. I started off with two vague ideas of a cube with my initials and a superman-like S, and I was able to combine both ideas to create a pentagonal box to store my jewelry. However, I ran into various challenges along the way that taught me about the unpredictability of the design process. 

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Prototype it.

After sketching my idea, I went through three iterations of prototypes that each answered a different question about my design. For example, this rapid prototype helped me determine the angles between the J and G and how the S would be on top of the body as a lid.

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Model it.

After sketching my idea, I used Autodesk Fusion 360 to model the assembly. I learned the importance of constraints when creating the sketches on the face planes. It was difficult figuring out the correct dimensions and relations between the letters to create the shape I wanted, but I found a shape I liked through trial and error.


Make it stand out.

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First prototype

After finishing the CAD Model, I used an Ultimaker Cura Ender 3 printer to manufacture the design.

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3-D Printing

The biggest challenge I encountered was troubleshooting during the manufacturing process. Having to spend so much time to fix the technical problems limited the amount of digital prototypes I was able to make, but it also taught me about the unpredictability of design and the need to be patient when creating something meaningful.    

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Embellish it.

Despite of the constant bugs with the printer, I was able to successfully 3-D print the base and the lid to create a container to put my jewelry in!

Final Presentation of Design Process